Saturday, January 12, 2013

Were's the Reset Button?

I have seen several posts lately that have made me ask this question. Issues from politics to childhood to how to be a human being. Maybe its just a natural part of getting older but life seemed so much simpler when I was younger and I'm not just talking about the obvious things like I didnt have to pay bills or taxes. I'm talking about the real life issues. I was allowed to go outside and play around my neighborhood and the rules were simple-play nice, share with others, dont hit and look both ways before you cross the street. When Mom called out from the porch you went to see what she needed. We didnt worry about our rights or civil liberties, we didnt have any but we didnt really have any responsibilities either. We didnt realy worry about where the food came from or whether or not we would eat. We didnt worry about getting kidnapped or raped. A stranger was a friend we hadnt met yet. We didnt worry about aids or gunmen in schools. We said our Pledge of Allegiance and then a prayer every day at school. No one screamed about the fact it said "One Nation under God". When we got a few pennies to rub together we went and got ice cream or candy. When the table was set (usually by one of us kids) we sat down and ate together and discussed our day. We ate what Mom fixed and if you didn't finish it, you didn't get dessert. If you didn't like it, tough. When my parents told me to do something, I never used the terms "WHY" or "NO", those weren't options. If I got out of hand then I got the hand. Out of hand is pretty much not doing what I was told. I never through a tantrum in a store. (I can only imagine the punishment for such an infraction of the parental penal code, I'm guessing the rack or beheading.)I'm just kidding. My parents (yes, I said parents, plural) loved me. They loved me enough to set boundaries. They taught me to respect authority, respect other people and to have respect for myself. With these boundaries in place I knew what I could and couldn't get away with. As long as I followed my teachings, I really had nothing to fear. That lack of fear equals freedom. I felt as though I had free run of the world and that is true freedom and happiness. Feel free to add to this and comment.

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