Sunday, January 20, 2013

Political Parties aren't any fun

Today I saw a post from someone that was extremely disheartening but a common sentiment shared in today's open communication world. This phrase was "Every day, hundreds of Republicans die and hundreds of Democrats turn eighteen and can vote..." Narrow minded statements like this are flooding our society and need to be stopped. I can easily say the same thing from the other side of the spectrum but that would perpetuate the stupidity. We need to start thinking for ourselves and stop being sheep. We are going to the polls and backing politicians and issues just because our party tells us to do so and on Capitol Hill we have Republicans voting against worthwhile issues just because it was proposed by Democrats and vice verse. This has got to stop. That's where the filibuster comes from. It's a political tool used to stall Congress until the side who started the filibuster has a chance or proof or support to make its case. Why are we voting this way and why do we continue to support politicians who don't actually have our best interests in mind. Anyone who believes that the person they voted for is working for them, they are either blind or disillusioned.    The interests that our politicians are looking out for are the Lobbies and themselves. The Democrats are pushing a healthcare agenda on the American people but do you think any of them are bound by this system? The President is pushing gun control and is openly opposed to armed officers at schools but his kids have a full detail, armed with assault rifles guarding his children 24/7. The Republicans are usually first to push for a congressional pay raise while at the same time try to raise taxes for the middle class working person. I realize that these aren't new ideas and I'm sure that many feel the way I do but it isn't outwardly visible in the polls or in the social networks. If we want our country to get back on track, we need to stop supporting and defending those who just think of themselves and start letting our "Leaders" know what we really think.

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