Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dividing America

Its a sad fact that in the current climate, Americans choose to let themselves be divided on an almost daily basis over trivial issues. How often do you hear people say they will discuss anything but religion or politics? Or if they are open to "any" conversation, the first thing they say is something like "Shut up, you dont know what your talking about" all because you have differing points of view. People, Wake up, these differences are what make us great. Why are we letting them divide us. Christians, last time I checked the Bible, (which, I have one open right now) it says in John 8:7 "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." (For those that dont read the Bible, the RED letters mean that it came from Jesus' own mouth.) My point is, EVERYONE has been guilty of judging others. And even I have cast a stone or two in my time. This has to stop. On October 14, 1987, 18 month old Jessica McClure fell into an unknown well in her yard and for 58 hours, this country was united as we watched, from our living rooms, rescuers fight to free her. Again on September 11 2001 America came together as terrorism reached into our own land. That event held the general populous together for days,weeks and even up to a year, then the back biting started again. During that year, I saw neighbors helping neighbors, perfect strangers offering to buy young military families dinner, I even watched as a group of Hasidic Jews stood in front of a Mosque in order to protect its Muslim worshipers from an ignorant, angry mob. This also aloud the Muslim people to worship in peace. All of us living in this country and taking advantage of its freedoms are American. We are easily united because down deep, we all know that we are the same. American isn't a race (except American Indian) or a color. It isn't a religion or even a philosophy. American, is an ideal and if you ask anyone in this country what America means to them, you may be surprised to find unifying answers. America means that you are free to say whats on your mind, you can travel from state to state without travel papers. Everyone has the chance to better themselves through education even if some have to work harder to get it than others, it is still available to all. You can be, whatever you want to be and do whatever you want to do (within the confines of the law.) The United States is the most free and open country in the world. When we tell someone their opinion is worthless we are infringing on their right to free speech. This country wasn't made great  by its ethnic, religious or philosophical purity. It was made great by it's diversity and its ability to incorporate that diversity. Next time someone disagrees with you, realize how boring it would be if everyone thought as you did. Also consider this, you just may not be right.


  1. This is nice. I agree with the spirit of what you have written and I wish more people did. One thing I would like to point out is that we are not " the most free and open country in the world." I really wish we were. Unfortunately we rank behind many other countries in both freedom and openness and I imagine that we will continue to slide as we Americans seem happy to trade our freedoms for perceived security. I only bring this up, as as long as people do not realize this, we will continue to loose our liberties and be none the wiser.

  2. I cant disagree with you. I think the cause of this is right there in my blog. Backbiting due to perceived threat from people who think differently. If we all realized how alike we actually are, that unification might melt those fears and open eyes. We arent openly trading our freedoms but those we elect have no problem doing so and making it seem as though it is the right thing to do.
