Sunday, January 20, 2013

The lemmings are coming!

"70 year old charity told to stop feeding the homeless. "
This was the headline of a post I read earlier today. Upon reading the entire article, I read that a non profit group had been disallowed to serve meals in the park. I did some further reasearch and found that several years ago, a law was inacted prohibiting anyone from setting up a soup kitchen on public property except for special events. This was done for health and sanitation reasons as even nob profit organizations are subject to the department of health. I followed this thread for several hours and offered my informed opinion which is that I agree with the law but still support feeding the homeless. It was obvious that most people just read the headline and commented accordingly. There were numerous cries of outrage and some of them were at me. Have we become so lazy that we instashare or comment at the drop of a hat?  What ever happened to checking the source? And do we really just believe everything that's thrown are us. The source of this article was "The Activist Post ",in case you were wondering. People honestly believed that the city of Seattle and many others had banned feeding the homeless.  If I weren't writing this with my phone, I would link the thread and paste some of the more choice words of wisdom. Right now, I am on unemployment but I still donate to some of the organizations that feed the homeless. I have also volunteered at soup kitchens but was told that I am heartless and until I'm homeless myself, my opinion doesn't mean much just because I stated that a person with little to no responsibility should have to go to an established organisation and if they can't even do that, they don't deserve a free meal. The article topic aside folks, we need to stop spreading the garbage. If you share something, do so informed. Remember that as soon as you hit that share button, your name is at the top so at least ask yourself. "Is this something I want my name attached to? " smote and more of this disinformation is flooding the social media and actual media every day and it is up to us, the conserned, intelligent community to put a stop to it. Live by these rules of information. Read the whole article, don't trust the headline, (it's there just to suck you in)  find out the source and verify the facts. Some sites like to throw numbers at you, don't take them at their word, check them. We need to be a truly informed populous again so help me inform the people.

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