Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today's two cents

First off, the government is NOT shut down. As someone who works side by side with the US government, I can assure you that it is actively working. Some of the less vital offices are temporarily closed and there are a few inconvenient offices closed like the VA. With that being said, these things are always short lived and rarely impact most people. The difference this time is that the media has gone on a scare/finger pointing campaign making it seem devastating. That's what the media does, build sensational stories so the people pay attention to them. All the media in this country is, is a self indulgent,lying attention whore. Most intelligent people who face an individual with the same traits as the media turn away and ignore them so why are we giving our media so much power over us. STOP NOW.

              Does this mean that I don't think there is a genuine problem, absolutely not. Of course there is a problem, tons of them, in fact. What I wont do concerning this topic is get into a partition mud slinging debate. I have watched quietly for a few weeks while the mass public swallow the media kool-aid and fire shots across their media's rival party. Fact: we are on year two without an established and ratified budget. Fact: there are three governing bodies to prevent this (i.e. Senate, House and President). Fact: there are two main parties, Republican and Democrat. Problem is, NO ONE is agreeing in these governing bodies. Both sides are making unreasonable demands and neither is giving an inch. Something you have to ask yourself about all this. Who stands the most to benefit from this stalemate, The Media. As long as they can fuel this fire, they are making millions. While you're at it, ask yourself this question, who remains unaffected by ANY of the changes proposed, The Senate, The House and The president. No matter what happens, they are all getting paid (rather well, I might add) and if they don't get re-elected, so be it, as long as they serve one day in office, they get a healthy retirement. Speaking of health, since that is the bone that the media has been feasting on the most. If/when this new healthcare reform bill is passed, the entire American population will be required to enroll and pay for it. The only people exempt from this LAW will be sitting and retired Government officials. HMMMM, funny how that works huh. They make laws that dont apply to them. I'm not saying that there isn't any benefit to socialized medicine, I was in the US military for most of my life and that is actually, the only functioning socialized society in the world. I just don't like having my FREEDOM to choose taken away.

           Most of the finger pointing I have witnessed has been at either President Obama himself for suggesting this healthcare program or at the Republican party for not accepting it and that is what most people have been focusing on. Again, the issue of the healthcare for me is that of removed freedom. ALL citizens will be REQUIRED to purchase this healthcare under penalty of law. (except, of course, those previously stated). I am a fan of asking people to think for themselves what would happen if a President started pushing with all his power to over turn the case of Roe V. Wade, thereby making it unlawful to have an abortion. I already know what would happen as I have seen the idea put on the table several times in my life. If a president tried as hard as he could to pass this, the first thing would be the liberal media getting on it's high horse to rally against the President. Most likely the feminist lobbies would storm the White House and the populous would get all up in arms and cry for an impeachment while on the right, the Christian sect would cheer the President on and the Conservative media would do what they could to discredit those opposing the idea. Why would all this happen? Very simple, because a women should have the right to choose what happens to her body. Now I ask you, isnt that the same thing? This healthcare bill tells us what we can and cant do with our bodies. It makes us pay to see whatever doctor THEY choose for us and we will be required and monitored to follow all of the doctors instructions. Gone will the day of the Doctor's advise or the second opinion. You see a doctor, they tell you this is whats wrong with you and this is what will be done about it. Been there, done that aaaaaand got the scars and disabilities because of it  because guess what? The doctors aren't always right. They are human and make mistakes all the time. Is this what we are fighting for? A police state that tells us what we can/can't eat or drink. Mandated exercise oh, and what activities you can/can't do. "I'm sorry sir/mam, you aren't allowed to ski, its too dangerous and we don't want (to have to fix you) you to hurt yourself". This is the type of existence we are headed for. Don't believe me? Think I'm sensationalizing? Feel free to show this to any service man/women and see what they say. This is the way it is in the military. They HAVE to get shots whenever they are told (even when the side effects or long term damage is unknown). If a service member is injured while doing any recreational activity not organized by the government, they can be brought up on charges for damaging government property. This is what is being proposed, making us all become government property and pay for that privilege.

        OK, I'm done for now and I may have gone a bit far with it but I hope it makes you think. One final thought to leave with you, if you, repeatedly failed at accomplishing any tasks expected of you based on your job position, what would be the result. Think about and as always, feel free to share your opinion. For the time being, we still have Freedom of Speech, exercise it.