Sunday, January 20, 2013

The lemmings are coming!

"70 year old charity told to stop feeding the homeless. "
This was the headline of a post I read earlier today. Upon reading the entire article, I read that a non profit group had been disallowed to serve meals in the park. I did some further reasearch and found that several years ago, a law was inacted prohibiting anyone from setting up a soup kitchen on public property except for special events. This was done for health and sanitation reasons as even nob profit organizations are subject to the department of health. I followed this thread for several hours and offered my informed opinion which is that I agree with the law but still support feeding the homeless. It was obvious that most people just read the headline and commented accordingly. There were numerous cries of outrage and some of them were at me. Have we become so lazy that we instashare or comment at the drop of a hat?  What ever happened to checking the source? And do we really just believe everything that's thrown are us. The source of this article was "The Activist Post ",in case you were wondering. People honestly believed that the city of Seattle and many others had banned feeding the homeless.  If I weren't writing this with my phone, I would link the thread and paste some of the more choice words of wisdom. Right now, I am on unemployment but I still donate to some of the organizations that feed the homeless. I have also volunteered at soup kitchens but was told that I am heartless and until I'm homeless myself, my opinion doesn't mean much just because I stated that a person with little to no responsibility should have to go to an established organisation and if they can't even do that, they don't deserve a free meal. The article topic aside folks, we need to stop spreading the garbage. If you share something, do so informed. Remember that as soon as you hit that share button, your name is at the top so at least ask yourself. "Is this something I want my name attached to? " smote and more of this disinformation is flooding the social media and actual media every day and it is up to us, the conserned, intelligent community to put a stop to it. Live by these rules of information. Read the whole article, don't trust the headline, (it's there just to suck you in)  find out the source and verify the facts. Some sites like to throw numbers at you, don't take them at their word, check them. We need to be a truly informed populous again so help me inform the people.

Political Parties aren't any fun

Today I saw a post from someone that was extremely disheartening but a common sentiment shared in today's open communication world. This phrase was "Every day, hundreds of Republicans die and hundreds of Democrats turn eighteen and can vote..." Narrow minded statements like this are flooding our society and need to be stopped. I can easily say the same thing from the other side of the spectrum but that would perpetuate the stupidity. We need to start thinking for ourselves and stop being sheep. We are going to the polls and backing politicians and issues just because our party tells us to do so and on Capitol Hill we have Republicans voting against worthwhile issues just because it was proposed by Democrats and vice verse. This has got to stop. That's where the filibuster comes from. It's a political tool used to stall Congress until the side who started the filibuster has a chance or proof or support to make its case. Why are we voting this way and why do we continue to support politicians who don't actually have our best interests in mind. Anyone who believes that the person they voted for is working for them, they are either blind or disillusioned.    The interests that our politicians are looking out for are the Lobbies and themselves. The Democrats are pushing a healthcare agenda on the American people but do you think any of them are bound by this system? The President is pushing gun control and is openly opposed to armed officers at schools but his kids have a full detail, armed with assault rifles guarding his children 24/7. The Republicans are usually first to push for a congressional pay raise while at the same time try to raise taxes for the middle class working person. I realize that these aren't new ideas and I'm sure that many feel the way I do but it isn't outwardly visible in the polls or in the social networks. If we want our country to get back on track, we need to stop supporting and defending those who just think of themselves and start letting our "Leaders" know what we really think.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

*WARNING* Hotbed Topic

                     To be honest, I didnt have any plans to cover this topic as it has saturated the net so completely and caused rifts between friends, family and Nation. What am I talking about? "Gun Control". Oh no, run for the hills and stop watching this blog!!!!

                      I know that I sound like I'm making fun, which, I guess in a way I am but not of the topic. I think this is a very serious topic and hope that people dont turn away just because its yet another discussion on gun control. What I do make fun of is the peoples response to the topic. 

                      In the wake of the Newton incident, this country has unraveled at the seems over this topic. Everyone, and I do mean "EVERYONE" who is old enough to vote has an opinion about it. Where the problem lies is in the blanket generalizations. Everyone seems to think that this is cut and dried and either your a fanatical Redneck (pro-gun rights) or a pinko leftist gun-grabber (pro gun control). The United States is the Great Melting Pot. What this means is that we have citizens of all races, creeds, colors, religions and philosophies. If we know this to be fundamentally true then why are we lumping people into 2 categories. I do actually have an answer for that. the reason we have divided into two categories isnt all that hard to figure out. It's because the loudest voices are those to the extreme ends of this debate and its far easier to rally around a loud voice or idea to is closer to what you believe. Well, on this topic, I refuse to compromise my point of view and go to the loudest voice.  The First Amendment is there for a reason. 

                      Before I share my point of view, lets see if I can summarize the most vocal points of view. On one side we have those that want some gun control laws in place so that they feel more safe and on the other side we have people who wish to defend their Constitutional right to have a firearm in their possession, which makes them feel more safe. See there, you arent so different after all. You all just want to feel safe.  If it's this easy then why all the animosity and mud slinging?   The media is very good at twisting a story to make it more interesting and sensational. The actual problem is, both sides want to feel safe but go to extreme lengths to do so. the majority of the loud voices are saying "ALL or NOTHING" . Those fighting for gun rights cite have both the Constitution and several Supreme Court rulings on their side. Let me first drop in the exact wording of the second Amendment:

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

                 Those to the extreme right of this debate see this as "I can have any gun I want and do anything I want with my guns as long as I don't break the law". Ok, interesting take, but a little misguided. What this says is that, when it was written, the newly formed government was had a fear that if they stood up a regular military, that it could be used against the people as it was by the English. To the left of the argument, they see the word "Militia" and instantly assume that means military or National Guard. That too is a little bit off. This right was put in place by the founding father in order to give every household the ability to defend this country which includes themselves. That's what a militia is for. 

                 The second Amendment does however say "WELL regulated". What does this mean? It means that if you are going to exercise this right then you are subject to the laws and guidelines that go with it. You can't just be a gun toting maniac as that would not be in the spirit it was written. This Amendment was written to help defend the country and a well regulated militia  is a civilian community that is trained.

                  Now to the Liberal side who take this Amendment and focus on one word "REGULATED" . It's a great word, especially in all caps and italicized like that. Law makers love to hover around it like hungry vultures waiting for the perfect opportunity. Their answer to the question of safety is to "REGULATE" by registration and banning certain types of firearms or their subsequent modifications or addons.  Registration isnt a bad start nor does it interfere with any rights however, banning of any firearm does trample the second amendment "the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The second Amendment does not specify as to type of arms, it says to keep and bear arms.

                  Both sides actually have valid points and ideas but neither is willing to listen. Instead, they go to their end of the argument and throw mud as hard and loud as they can. There is middle ground here people. We are a nation, united by a common belief that we have the right to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"  Declaration of Independence. We need to stop all this posturing, come to a general consensus then exercise our rights as Americans and tell our government how to proceed. 

              Now, if you haven't fallen asleep yet, here is my idea on how to deal with gun control. Remember that this is just an idea so don't stone me.

   -In order to own a firearm, a citizen must obtain a firearms license.
   -Licensing shall be based on these criteria: Written test of safety and firearms laws
                                                                              Practical firearms test to prove proper handling
                                                                              Background check to ensure legality
    -every firearm shall be put into classes for the purpose of endorsement for licensing (i.e. class A firearms 50 caliber and below, semi-auto etc.)
    -All firearms shall be subject to registration regardless of age.

              Again, this is just an idea, not even a detailed one but it satisfies the second Amendment by offering regulation without infringing. For those who wish gun control this would mean that all of those citizens who do own firearms would be educated, with background checks you know that criminals and those with mental instability can not obtain a firearm by legal means and all "legal" firearms will be tracked. For those who wish to exercise their second Amendment, you don't have to live in fear that the government is trying to ban any firearm and with the background checks the waiting periods become a thing of the past as well as gun shows and private sales wont be under attack. I modeled this idea after I saw people using automobiles as a defense. It is true that automobiles are dangerous and are involved in more homicides than firearms. I dont know anyone who is indignant that we regulate automobiles so why not use a similar and proven method. 

               I have an open door policy and welcome your input. I just request that you keep it civil. Everyone's opinion has value and if you wish to be heard then you should listen to others as well.  

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dividing America

Its a sad fact that in the current climate, Americans choose to let themselves be divided on an almost daily basis over trivial issues. How often do you hear people say they will discuss anything but religion or politics? Or if they are open to "any" conversation, the first thing they say is something like "Shut up, you dont know what your talking about" all because you have differing points of view. People, Wake up, these differences are what make us great. Why are we letting them divide us. Christians, last time I checked the Bible, (which, I have one open right now) it says in John 8:7 "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." (For those that dont read the Bible, the RED letters mean that it came from Jesus' own mouth.) My point is, EVERYONE has been guilty of judging others. And even I have cast a stone or two in my time. This has to stop. On October 14, 1987, 18 month old Jessica McClure fell into an unknown well in her yard and for 58 hours, this country was united as we watched, from our living rooms, rescuers fight to free her. Again on September 11 2001 America came together as terrorism reached into our own land. That event held the general populous together for days,weeks and even up to a year, then the back biting started again. During that year, I saw neighbors helping neighbors, perfect strangers offering to buy young military families dinner, I even watched as a group of Hasidic Jews stood in front of a Mosque in order to protect its Muslim worshipers from an ignorant, angry mob. This also aloud the Muslim people to worship in peace. All of us living in this country and taking advantage of its freedoms are American. We are easily united because down deep, we all know that we are the same. American isn't a race (except American Indian) or a color. It isn't a religion or even a philosophy. American, is an ideal and if you ask anyone in this country what America means to them, you may be surprised to find unifying answers. America means that you are free to say whats on your mind, you can travel from state to state without travel papers. Everyone has the chance to better themselves through education even if some have to work harder to get it than others, it is still available to all. You can be, whatever you want to be and do whatever you want to do (within the confines of the law.) The United States is the most free and open country in the world. When we tell someone their opinion is worthless we are infringing on their right to free speech. This country wasn't made great  by its ethnic, religious or philosophical purity. It was made great by it's diversity and its ability to incorporate that diversity. Next time someone disagrees with you, realize how boring it would be if everyone thought as you did. Also consider this, you just may not be right.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Who am I?

Thats a great question.
                    I guess many would say that I am a walking talking breathing contradiction. I guess it's safe to say that I am a diverse individual.

                    I will explain only a little bit of back story for context. If you want the whole thing you will have to wait for my memoirs. I am very well traveled, My Dad was in the Navy which means we moved around,,,,,,,,a lot and I also traveled for pleasure. I was in the Coast Guard and then a government contractor so I did even more travel for work. Needless to say, I have had exposure to various cultures which does tend to color a person's views a bit. Now on to what makes me, well me.

                    I am a pacifist but was proud to serve in the military. I am a devout Christian but relish in conversations with those of other faith groups. I believe in Creation and Evolution. I am politically conservative but have a lot of liberal ideas. I am a geek and a gear head. I think we should listen to our elders but disagree with the idea that "children should be seen but not heard". We can learn a lot from our children. I'm an absolute extrovert but would love nothing more than living in the mountains away from people.I can fly an airplane but have a fear of heights. I'm a middle aged intellectual who enjoys acting like a kid, I even play games online with people of all ages. In a nut shell, in order to put a label on me, you would have to use a stack of labels. I am educated enough to hold a conversation with anyone I meet and can cater his speech to that of his environment. I celebrate the differences between all people. I think, surrounding yourself with only like minded individuals would get boring and you would run out of things to discuss. Although I hate confrontation, I do dearly love a good debate.

                     To all of I say, live life to the fullest but don't be full of yourself. Get out and meet new people and truly stop and listen to what they have to share instead of trying to convince them that what you have to say is more important. Don't fear change but don't forget the past either. Stare your fears right in the face then push past them. Find or make your bucket list and start checking items off. Do that today. Remember, if you ever get sick, your job wont comfort you but your friends and family will so check your priorities.

                      If you think what I have to say is at least intriguing, stay tuned for further posts. You may find new friends or realize how small the earth really is.

Were's the Reset Button?

I have seen several posts lately that have made me ask this question. Issues from politics to childhood to how to be a human being. Maybe its just a natural part of getting older but life seemed so much simpler when I was younger and I'm not just talking about the obvious things like I didnt have to pay bills or taxes. I'm talking about the real life issues. I was allowed to go outside and play around my neighborhood and the rules were simple-play nice, share with others, dont hit and look both ways before you cross the street. When Mom called out from the porch you went to see what she needed. We didnt worry about our rights or civil liberties, we didnt have any but we didnt really have any responsibilities either. We didnt realy worry about where the food came from or whether or not we would eat. We didnt worry about getting kidnapped or raped. A stranger was a friend we hadnt met yet. We didnt worry about aids or gunmen in schools. We said our Pledge of Allegiance and then a prayer every day at school. No one screamed about the fact it said "One Nation under God". When we got a few pennies to rub together we went and got ice cream or candy. When the table was set (usually by one of us kids) we sat down and ate together and discussed our day. We ate what Mom fixed and if you didn't finish it, you didn't get dessert. If you didn't like it, tough. When my parents told me to do something, I never used the terms "WHY" or "NO", those weren't options. If I got out of hand then I got the hand. Out of hand is pretty much not doing what I was told. I never through a tantrum in a store. (I can only imagine the punishment for such an infraction of the parental penal code, I'm guessing the rack or beheading.)I'm just kidding. My parents (yes, I said parents, plural) loved me. They loved me enough to set boundaries. They taught me to respect authority, respect other people and to have respect for myself. With these boundaries in place I knew what I could and couldn't get away with. As long as I followed my teachings, I really had nothing to fear. That lack of fear equals freedom. I felt as though I had free run of the world and that is true freedom and happiness. Feel free to add to this and comment.