Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Force is strong with this one.

I recently held a conversation with with one of my friend. We were discussing  our inner soundtrack for life and it hit me today when I was at work. I can have a soundtrack going by master composers. I opened up my Pandora, remembering that I had put a John Williams channel on it. Now Pandora likes to mix things up a bit but the genre or style match for John Williams is "Epic Movie Soundtracks". So I was actually on day 3 of sitting at a desk doing data entry into spreadsheets and for all those who know me this is like nails on a chalkboard. For those who dont know me very well, I am kind of a hands on type of person who cant sit still for very long and yes (SQUIRREL) I do have ADHD. Today was different though, with that channel going on in my head, my day was actually pretty amazing. When you here the action/suspense music from "The Bourne Supremacy" playing your heart starts to beat a little faster, then some fight music from "Lord of the Rings" starts and you find yourself mentally fighting along with it and finish a specific task or at least reach a goal in the work your doing when all of a sudden "The Throne Room" for "Star Wars:A New Hope"chimes in. I gotta say, it adds to your sense of accomplishment. All in all, there was nothing remarkable about my work day but it was amazing. Music really does have an effect on us. I challenge you all to try this and post here about your experience. Reminder: Go to Pandora, in the "New Station" Tab enter the name, John Williams, then set about your day and see what a difference it makes to doing the every day tasks.

1 comment:

  1. by all means, feel free to share this. It is kind of an experiment but I am genuinely curious to hear other peoples experiences with this.
